A wrongful death is one that has occurred because of the negligence of a responsible party. A doctor can be found liable for a wrongful death, for example, if they fail to provide reasonable treatment for an individual and the lack of treatment results in their untimely death. While it is often difficult to prove a wrongful death, spouses and children who lose a parent can sue for wrongful death if they believe their loved one has died because of the negligence of a treatment provider.
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Myths and rumors go around all the time. When they concern the law, however, you can end up in a lot of trouble if you rely on what that friend of a friend at the bar told you that he heard was true. Here are some things you should know.
Your driveway isn't a safety zone.
Many people have heard that if you make it to your driveway while a police car is following you that you can run into the house and be "
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If you are a first-time offender or facing a low-level charge, there is a possibility that you could qualify for a diversion program. Chances are, your defense attorney will discuss the program with you if you meet the requirements. To help you better understand this option, here is what you need to know.
What Is a Diversion Program?
A diversion program is designed to eliminate many of the procedures in a criminal court case.
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If your teen has been involved in a serious crime such as drunk driving or being caught with illegal drugs in his possession, it's important to help guide him properly through the legal process. Once an arrest has been made, it's imperative to follow the proper legal steps to ensure that additional penalties are not added to his sentence. Depending on the crime and the laws in your jurisdiction, his records could be expunged or erased.
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Estate planning is an important process, as your estate plan documents often determine how your assets are distributed after your death. Without a will or other documents, the courts could decide who gets which assets. And the courts may make decisions that you wouldn't choose for yourself. A will can help make sure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, but there are some things a will can't do.
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