3 Errors That Could Give Your Spouse An Advantage In Your Child Custody Battle
Living away from your kids, even if for a few weeks, is a painful aspect of divorce. That's why divorcing spouses often put up a spirited fight when it comes to child custody battles. Unfortunately, the stress and thoughts of losing your kid's custodianship can affect the decisions you make. Remember that even a small error can disadvantage you, giving your spouse an upper hand in the case. Take a look at some errors you should avoid when fighting to keep your kids after divorce.
Losing Your Temper When Dealing With Your Spouse
It is easy to lose your temper, especially when your partner receives more privileges in your child custody case. However, it would be best not to allow anger to control your emotions as it may portray you as a hot-tempered person.
Furthermore, an outburst of anger can prompt you to hit or threaten your partner if the confrontation gets heated up. Your partner can use this situation against you and claim you are unfit to stay with the kids due to your uncontrolled anger. In addition to giving your spouse custody of the kids, the judge can even prohibit you from visiting them. That is why you should try to keep your emotions under control as much as possible.
Getting Into Trouble With the Authorities
Getting into trouble with the authorities while your case is pending can make the court rule in your partner's favor. For example, if you're arrested for a violent offense, the court might question your ability to take care of the kids. Besides, your spouse can claim that you will abuse the children because of your anger management issues. The court may also deny you the custody of your children if you move in with someone who has a bad criminal record.
Refusing to Communicate With Your Partner
It is paramount to communicate with your partner regarding contentious issues. If you don't, the judge may assume that you will not cooperate with your spouse in the future. Besides that, it signals future co-parenting challenges, and the judge may grant your partner full custodianship of the kids.
Your judicial separation may get complicated when you start discussing child custody issues. At this point, it is advisable to consult a family lawyer. They will guide you throughout the process, ensuring that you avoid the three errors above and any other mistake that may give your spouse an upper hand in the case.
Contact a child custody attorney for more information.