2 Ways That A Divorce Lawyer Can Assist You

A divorce lawyer is going to be the single most useful individual at your disposal in the event that you are getting divorced or have been recently divorced. Listed below are just two ways that a divorce lawyer can assist you.

Easier Divorce Process

One major way that a divorce lawyer can assist you is by giving you access to an easier divorce process than going to court. By agreeing to mediation you and your spouse can take a lot of the stress and anger out of the divorce process. This is made possible because your lawyers will sit down with both you and your spouse and attempt to come to an agreement on multiple aspects of the divorce. 

For example, the mediation process is going to include details about how your marital assets will be split between you and your spouse, who will receive custody of the children, and how visitation will work. In addition, this process will attempt to figure out who will receive spousal and child support, the amount of each support type, and how often it will be paid. 

The reason that this is an easier process is because you and your future ex will not need to attend multiple days in court over the course of months. Once the mediation agreement is created and signed, it is turned over to a judge for approval. In most cases, mediation can complete the divorce process in a fraction of the time it would take if the divorce went to court.

Follow-Up Assistance

Another reason to hire a divorce lawyer is because he or she can help you out after the divorce has been finalized. In most cases, this assistance will take the form of ensuring that your ex is following through on his or her obligations per the divorce agreement.

For example, if your ex is not dropping or picking up your child or children on time, then your lawyer can contact a judge and attempt to redo the custody or visitation agreements. Another way that the lawyer can help is by ensuring that you always receive the full amount of child or spousal support on time. If your ex is falling behind or refusing to pay, then an attorney can contact a judge and attempt to get wage garnishment options authorized.

Speak to a divorce attorney today, such as Nichols, Speidel, & Nichols,  to get as much assistance as possible with your divorce. An attorney can help you both during and after the divorce process.
